Sun.Jun 23, 2024

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The falling birthrate threatens a disaster so costly no politician dares think about it | Sonia Sodha

The Guardian

A demographic timebomb caused by an ageing, shrinking population is looming for many western countries, so where are the policies to defuse it? A conference on changing demographics I attended last week tackled the fact that, while we are living longer – a great product of medical innovation – many of us will also experience extended periods later in life with physical and mental decline, so requiring more health and social care than in the past.

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Exercise to Boost Your Mental Health

Psychological Health Care

Exercise, physical activity or any regular movement can play an important role in maintaining good mental health. In fact, one of the most beneficial activities you can do to help protect your mental health is to move regularly. Regular movement can increase your energy, reduce anxiety and stress and boost your self-esteem. While it’s true, exercise or regular movement can’t cure mental illness, it can provide benefits to boost your overall wellbeing and help you better manage symptoms of poor m

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Labour needs to think again on care home beds | Letters

The Guardian

Johnbosco Nwogbo of We Own It, John Harvey and Rodney Smith on the funding and allocation of social care beds In light of Labour’s failure to address in any serious way the issue of NHS funding in its manifesto, the new plan to hand already limited NHS resources to private care homes is puzzling. After 15 years of government cuts to local authority budgets, social care is dominated by private-equity-owned companies, extracting billions in profits from the social care system.