Wed.Jul 24, 2024

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Social Work on the Front Lines of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Look Back, A Look Ahead (Part One)

Social Work Blog

Article by Kim M. Simpson, Connect to End COVID-19 Communications Lead. During the COVID-19 pandemic, social workers, like most helping professionals, ramped up quickly under intense circumstances to help individuals and families to make informed decisions about COVID-19 vaccines and treatments. As part of a national response to the pandemic, Connect to End COVID-19 is a $3.3 million Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)-funded initiative to help social workers and their clients to ma

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A Step Backwards for Voting Restoration for the Formerly Incarcerated

Social Work Blog

By Mel Wilson, NASW Senior Policy Advisor The Nebraska legislature recently restored the voting rights of 7,000 people with felony convictions who have already completed their full sentences. However, two days before the law (Legislative Bill 20) was set to go into effect, the state’s Attorney General Mike Hilgers issued a formal opinion asserting that the legislature violated Nebraska’s Constitution, claiming the law infringed on the executive branch’s exclusive authority to restore civil rig