Thu.Jun 20, 2024

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Why Everyone with Advanced Cancer Needs Early Palliative Care


ABC News article shares the opinion of top oncologists: palliative care is recommended for advanced cancer at the time of diagnosis and during treatment.

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Stories of Life-Changing Connections: Mental Health Support, Foster Care & Adoption


At KVC Health Systems, a family of nonprofits serving children and families, we always start with connection. Healing begins when we have positive relationships in our lives — people who see us, look out for us, and want the best for us. And at KVC, we get to be part of inspiring, life-changing connection stories every day. Whether that’s a story of a foster care caseworker noticing and meeting a child’s needs, a family reconnecting after difficult times, or a community coming togeth

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CAPC and ATI Advisory Aim to Increase Access to Palliative Care for Dual Eligible Individuals


CAPC and ATI Advisory partnered to release a report that addresses how to increase access to palliative care for dual eligible individuals living with serious illness.