Fri.Dec 15, 2023

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Essential Qualities and Characteristics of a Good Nurse


Registered nurses are more in demand than ever in terms of projected job growth, impact, and leadership. With the significant need for RNs nationally and globally, understanding the qualities of a good nurse is critical for hospitals and health systems aiming to attract and retain the best nursing talent. As new nurses enter the workforce, identifying and encouraging specific nursing qualities helps healthcare organizations recognize strong candidates for hire and understand which of their curre

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A glass half full: my adult social work journey

Social Work With Adults

Lyn Romeo: Deborah Sturdy, Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care and I recently visited Salford to hear about the way social care colleagues work with the council, the NHS, providers and voluntary and community sector partners. As part of that day, we heard about their approach to recruitment and retention and building the capacity and capability of their workforce across all sectors.